Get the talents on board!


March 29, 2019

SME – get the talent with “thinking outside the box”

SMEs* are the backbone of the Swiss economy and make up 99.7% of all business and employ 67% of the workforce in Switzerland.

In order to be successful in the future and compete on the national and international stage, they must minimise their risks and maximise their performance with the right human resources. The latter is primarily the task of the HR department or the HR Manager. Depending on the size of the company, this does not mean a complex and intricate HR organisation but rather reasonable, affordable and “thinking outside the box” types of solutions.

We want to not only encourage and inspire small businesses, but also offer concrete management solutions that also allow these SMEs to find the talent they most urgently need.

*Definition of a SME: Companies with max. 249 full-time employees
