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GPI © - Personality profile

With the GPI “basic personality indicator” it is possible to understand a person’s general tendencies/basic convictions and thinking pattern preferences. This makes various thinking and behavioural patterns in the areas of communications, leadership/team behaviour, working style, motivation/drive, as well as innovation and creativity apparent and also shows their development potential. Use the GPI test method to discover and understand your own behaviour and you will be able to be more responsive to yourself and your social environment, depending on the situation.

simple and meaningful

The clearly formulated survey takes about 10 minutes to fill in and provides guidance on your personal, individual behavioural tendencies. The general tendencies illustrate the basic convictions, thought and behavioural patterns. The GPI test procedure does not create “losers” and does not define “bad” or “good” values, but refers to basic convictions as well as thought and behavioural patterns. Concrete, action-orientated opportunities for using your full potential will be pointed out based on the results.

Scientific background

Alfred Adler founded and developed one of the three classic schools of psychoanalysis with the aim of understanding people: individual psychology. Today, this makes it possible to scientifically examine and learn to understand human behaviour. The current GPI test procedure was developed by Coachingplus GmbH, based on the work of Nira Kfir (Israel) and Theo Schoenaker (Germany).


  1. The test is completed online. All questions must be answered. By completing the survey you accept these conditions.
  2. In “email” of the licensed consultant“ type in the following address
  3. You will then immediately receive the test analysis incl. description for free to your email address.
  4. There is, of course, the possibility to undertake a detailed test analysis with the goal of clearly identifying your potential and how to transfer this into your everyday professional life.

Start your free personality profile